Goo's Potions
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My name is Goo and I collect smells. I feel like smells contain inherent magic in them and collecting them feels like collecting someone's spells. I mostly prefer indie perfumes, because I like the connection and relation between one artist and me. But I like any smell. Even and especially the gross ones. There's much to be learned and experienced from smells and I feel like every time I adorn one, I slurp up the feelings and energy stored inside the vial of goo. I take it into my inky fold and become it, and it becomes me. Anyway, here I'll be documenting my experiences with a variety of scented things. And I'll be documenting some other shit too.
Hopefully, eventually, each perfume that deeply affected me will have its own section here. But I've smelled a lot of things and can't possibly document each separately. So, some of them will be separated by the artist, and some separated by theme.
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